Friday, July 28, 2006

Living with Chaos

Well the good news is we are making a big dent in the packing...the bad news is as we pack more things up the more the boxes stack up and the harder it is to find/use things that are not packed yet.  I would say that generally I am an organized person and I keep things fairly tidy, the mess that we are living in now is making me feel a little stressed (and it is only going to get worse!).  On the bright side the cats have never been happier they find new things to stand on and play with all the time.  Oh to be a cat.  Only 4 days till we move!! 

Good day,


Thursday, July 27, 2006


Yesterday for our anniversary we had photos taken of us by Sandra at Whitemud Park.  If you would like to see more check out her site (photos by Sandra).  Great job Sandra thank you again. 


Have a good day.

Monday, July 24, 2006

2nd Anniversary

2 years...

2 souls...

2 great to put into words.

here is 2 a life time of happiness together!

Thank you for being such an amazing part of my life.

Always and Forever

Something Fun

Two weekends ago my good friend Debbie celebrated her 50th birthday.  And of course being the wonderful woman that she is she celebrated it in style or should I say in 70's style.  The disco dance was a blast and I was happy to help Debbie celebrate her birthday.  Here are some fun pictures I thought I would share.Img_2224_4 Img_2225_2 Img_2229_2

Thursday, July 20, 2006


AHHH!  We will be moving in less than two weeks and I don't even have one box packed.  I think there is something wrong with me I don't even have an excuse for not packing like I am too busy or something.  Maybe its because the whole job just seems so large that I would rather not start.  The logical side of my brain knows that once I get started it will go fast and I won't be as stressed.  Why won't the logical side of my brain over-power the procrastinating illogical side of my brain?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I'm Bloggin'

After months of reading friends blogs I have decided that it is a great way to keep in touch with what is going on in their lives and have decided to start one myself.  Hope you enjoy!