Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gone Fishin'

To send the summer out in style Murray took Friday off of work and we hit the road to do a little camping and fishing.  With no particular destination in mind when we headed out ( different for us we usually plan everything) we ended up near Nordegg.  We did some hiking and some fishing unfortunately with no luck...not even a bite.  But we did have a great time and I was thankful to just get out and enjoy the wilderness with my Murray.

Ram Falls


Fishing at the Elk Creek Fish Pond...still no luck.

Murray obviously sad about not being able to catch any fish.  Next time time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Me and My Sister


Murray has been working so much this summer that I decided to book a trip to go and visit my sister in Ontario for a week.  We had a great time.  I was excited to see her new house, where she will go to school in the fall, where she works and genuinely get to know her a little better.  It always amazes me how close we are even though we live 3000 miles apart and only really see each other about twice a year.  Thanks for the great visit Sam.  Love you.

Now that I am home however I have some catching up to do and I have to start thinking about the S word know...SCHOOL!  Noooooooo!  I don't want the summer to end.

Happy Tuesday.


Friday, August 3, 2007

48 hours with the kidlets

My niece and nephew came over for a couple of sleepovers this week and we had a lot of fun.  We went bike riding, to the outdoor pool, and of course to daycamp.  Its been awhile since Murray and I got to spend a significant amount of time with them and I had almost forgotten what amazing little people they both are.


I did have trouble trying to convince B that a Dilly Bar was 'white ice cream with chocolate on it' like he wanted.  No reasoning with a 4-year-old I guess.