Knowing what you know now and being who you are now, if you had the chance to go back to high school and do it all over again, would you?
Something I have been thinking about the past week.
Trace Atkins just released a new single called 'You're Gonna Miss This'. I know not everyone is a country music fan but its a thought provoking song.
I remember being 17 and desperately wishing I could finish high school and 'move on with my life'. I also remember desperately wanting to be done University so I could go out and get 'a real job and make my own money'. Only to find out I actually had it pretty good in high school and in University. Having a 'real job' also means having real responsibilities. And as much as I love our house now, I sometime miss our little town house in 'The Hood' only because it was ours and we made many happy memories there.
Sometimes we move through our lives a little too fast. Always waiting for the next big thing to happen in our lives; bigger house, bigger pay cheque, or a new car. Always wanting something we don't have. I am as guilt of this as anyone. Especially as Murray and I anticipate the arrival of our baby. But I think there is something to be said for trying to live in the moment and being grateful for the things we have in our lives right now.
So I challenge you to take a moment and think about the space you are in in your life right now and be grateful for it.
As for me? Well, I had a great night out with friends last night, had the opportunity to sleep in this morning (which never happens) and wasted the whole morning reading a good book. I am very thankful for that.
Would I go back to high school if I had the chance? No WAY! I am enjoying my twenties, I love the friends I have now. I wouldn't say I had a bad experience in high school, it was good enough but it was filled with hormones, drama, and chaos. That is one part of my life I can't say I really miss.
Happy Saturday.