Friday, December 12, 2008

Around Our House

The Christmas season is in full swing.  Although I have a few things a would like to blog I will let the pictures tell the story for me.

Zach met Santa for the first time.  Although he did not cry, he wasn't so sure about the guy with a beard either.
Our sleeping angel.

Playing naked in my room.

Working hard and sticking his tongue out just like Great Grandpa Paul.

Okay, I'll admit this outfit was purely for me but it cute right?

Our little man.

Happy Friday.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cousin Lincoln Turns 1!

We were able to celebrate Lincoln's big birthday with him yesterday.  It was a lot of fun and I was able to capture a few cute moments.

Lincoln on his new John Deer Tricycle (pulling Zach in the back of course) 


Because these boys are only 4 months apart you can just imagine all the fun times they are going to have together in the future.

The Birthday Boy 

The classic cake picture.

I especially love December first because not only does it officially kick off the holiday season around our house it also signifies the end of hunting season and I get my husband back on the weekends!

Happy December 1st!

Cousin Lincoln Turns 1!

We were able to celebrate Lincoln's big birthday with him yesterday.  It was a lot of fun and I was able to capture a few cute moments.

Lincoln on his new John Deer Tricycle (pulling Zach in the back of course) 


Because these boys are only 4 months apart you can just imagine all the fun times they are going to have together in the future.

The Birthday Boy 

The classic cake picture.

I especially love December first because not only does it officially kick off the holiday season around our house it also signifies the end of hunting season and I get my husband back on the weekends!

Happy December 1st!