Wow are we four weeks into the school year already? Time sure flies when you are having fun.
Our fall transition has been fairly smooth and everyone is doing well. Working part time seems to be a good fit for me. I really love my time at school teaching and I still get to spend days at home with Zachary so I don't feel I am 'missing' anything. Zachary seems to enjoy his dayhome, he is a really social little guy so I think he likes his time with all the kids, even though he is really tired when he comes home (I think its a long busy day for him). Murray hasn't had to go away for work yet and it has been really nice to have his help in the mornings and in the evenings. Things might change the first time he had to go away but for now everyone is doing well.
The only part I am struggling with is finding time to fit in exercise. It seems over the past month I have added school and taken away exercise, not a healthy way to live I know. Now that we have adjusted to our new schedule, my goal this week is to find some time to work it back in.
Our funny little man wearing his Elmo Easter basket as a hat.
Happy Monday!