Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Funny Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day to my Husband.

MJZ Buchan_0208b

After almost 13 years together I have learned a few things about him.  First, he's not great at big romantic gestures.  I never get flowers for no reason, he rarely will plan a romantic date for the two of us, and he has a hard time buying me gifts or surprizing me.  With that said what I have come to recognize about my husband is that he is really great at doing the small things.  He makes breakfast for our family almost every morning (and usually my lunch too), he will empty the dishwasher or switch over a load of laundry without being asked.  He will fill up my car with gas when he drives it because he knows I don't like to pump gas (especially in the winter).  He gets up with our son some weekend mornings just so I can sleep in.  He is so thoughtful in so many kinds of ways that I have to be careful not to overlook those things or take them for granted because these are the ways he is showing me he loves me.

My husband is strong, loyal, kind, honest, hardworking, and generous.  He is an amazing daddy and he always puts his family first, I have never questioned where his heart is because it is always with us.

Thank you for being my best friend and life partner, there is no one I would rather spend this life with.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

We did the mask...we did the MONSTER MASK!

Lately my almost 2 year old has been very interested in crafts.  To keep him busy one Saturday afternoon while Murray was studying we made monster masks together... a whole family set.  It ended up being a lot of fun... messy yes... but a lot of fun.  Now every couple of days while we are making supper or playing downstairs he reminds us that we need to put on our monster masks.

Here is our scary monster family.


Only two more sleeps till we leave for Disneyland.  Every time we are at the door and I ask Zach to put his coat on he replies  'Mickey?...Me?...Fly?'  So I think he is excited too!

Happy Friday!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ho Hum...

Well thank goodness January is over!  I don't know about you but I hate January it is cold and long and seems unending.

I recently joined a book club.  I usually have a book on the go and have always wanted to join one.  In the past couple of weeks the opportunity came up to join one(a little late) so I took up the challenge.  Since I am a little behind schedule I have been reading every spare second I have to try to finish the book before Fridays deadline.  With work, a busy almost 2 year old, and early pregnancy tiredness it has been a struggle.  I don't think the point of a book club is to stress you out whether you are going to get the book read on time or not.  But now that I am more than 3/4 finished I feel more confident about finishing on time, or I have enough read so that I can do a decent job of 'faking it'.  With that being said I am currently reading a book called "The Bishop's Man' by Linden MacIntyre.  At the beginning of one of the chapter's the author describes January like this;

"In January it becomes impossible to deter the reality of winter and her casual betrayals.  You feel that summer and her pretty sister, autumn, have gone perhaps forever.  There is that sense of personal abandonment.  That's when we turn inward, and hope to find some comfort there."

Truly this month there has not been much to blog about.  We have been hibernating.  Working, reading (me), studying (Murray), and working on a few house projects.

Now that its February we can look forward to our Disney vacation in 2 weeks.  I just pray that the weather there is decent, it doesn't have to be hot, just please be warm and sunny.  My family could use some vitamin D!


Zachary and I got up early one morning to watch the Olympic Torch make its way through town.  I didn't really know what to expect but as we watched the flame I couldn't help but get a little emotional, Olympic spirit or pregnancy hormones, you decide.

Happy Monday!