Well after 7 months of hard work... my husband is now offically a Journeyman Electrician.
He has spent most of his evenings and weekends studying, taken days off of work to drive to Nait to do labs and write supervised exams, but now it is all done and I couldn't be more proud of him! In the last few weeks when he was just about to finish Murray had an interesting job offer presented to him, so he had to make a few career decisions as well. Not a bad position to be in but it was pretty stressful. I swear he was aging right before my eyes! In the end he has decided to stay with the company he is currently working for. A decision that will keep him closer to home, closer to his family, rather than away working.
Needless to say, the last month around our house has been hectic (thats why there have been no posts lately). Murray has been focusing on finishing his course at Nait and writing his Branch exam. I have been busy at school with all of the end of the year stuff and helping out at a local greenhouse working on the weekends. Now that the end of May is in sight and June is approaching it feels like we can relax a little.
Here are a few Zach photos from the past few weeks.
Making homemade pizza (he was very serious about his cheese sprinkling job)
Zach's first movie theatre experience, Shrek 4 in 3D
He really loved the 3D glasses!
A playdate with his 'tousins' (Nollie and Luca) who happen to love books as much as he does.
Good Ol' Devon Days! A cold ride on Choo Choo Charlie with Sarah.
A silly face!
Happy rainy cold Saturday!