Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Worth Waiting For...

Its A Boy!

On August 20th, at 2:16 in the morning, Elliott Hamilton Buchan joined our family.  Weighing in at 10 lbs and 21.5 inches long, he is a big beautiful addition to our family.

Elliott B291 

Here is his story.

The last few weeks of my pregnancy have been plagued by on again off again contractions, so when I started to have contractions Thursday morning I wasn't about to get too excited about them.  By about 11:00 I had had a shower and they were still continuing so I thought maybe this is it.  Murray came home from work around lunch time and we went for a walk around the neighbourhood to see if we could keep things going.  Well Thursday was the day it was very smoky outside from all the forest fires in BC.  There was a health warning out about air conditions so Murray and I were the only people crazy enough to be out for a stroll that day.  Labour progressed, so I called my Douala Michelle to come, and almost as soon as she arrived everything stopped.  No contractions...nothing.  I was devastated.  Michelle left and Murray, Zachary and I headed to Leduc for my acupuncture appointment.  As we were driving my contractions started again.  So while I am in my acupuncture appointment for induction I am having to tell the acupuncturist to stop during contractions.  I know he thought I was crazy but I was determined and really didn't want labour to stop this time. Driving home the contractions were getting intense so I called Michelle again, Murray's Mom and my Mom asking them to meet me at the house.  Full labour started at about 11:00 pm just as the midwives arrived.  Elliott was born at home at 2:16 am Friday morning. Just seconds after Elliott was born Jeanette woke up Zachary and brought him into the room and he got to meet his brother.  It was a truly amazing experience, one I will never forget.

This birth was so different from Zachary's birth and I am not just talking about the fact that it was a home birth but just how it all unfolded, how I felt, the timing of everything.  You think that once you have given birth than thats it you have experienced it and you know what to expect.  But the truth is every birth is so different and every baby writes its own story.  Kind of nice when you think about it that way.  Its hard to deny the power and presence of God after experiencing the miracle of birth. 

As I type this I am so thankful for all the gifts in my life including the beautiful healthy newborn baby beside me.

 Happy Wednesday!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still waiting...

A few days ago, early in the morning Zachary wakes up and makes his way into our room.  He looks sleepy but obviously has something on his mind...

Me: What's up my man?

Z: When is the baby coming Mommy?

Me: Soon Zach soon.

Z: When soon?

Me:  Just soon my man just soon.


Thats me trying to induce labour by mowing the lawn at 39 weeks pregnant.  Murray thought this scene was so funny that he just had to get a picture.

Happy Thursday!