Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Elliott @ 10 Months

At 10 months Elliott is really developing his own personality.  He is happy and easy going most of the time as long as he gets his sleep.  Without his timely naps he can get quite fussy.  He is a big sleeper.

He is still around 22lbs and 30 inches long.  He has really leveled out over the past few months.  He is using baby sign language more and more and will sign 'all done' and 'more' regularly now.  He has started to nod his head 'yes' now too which is very cute.  You can ask him if he wants something, like water, and he will nod 'yes'. He hasn't learned to shake his head 'no' yet which is just fine for right now.


Oh ya, and he is still a big thumb sucker, especially when he is tired.


Zachary is a constant source of entertainment for him and he always wants to do everything Zachary is doing or be where he is.  The thing they like doing the best together is splashing in the bathtub.


Elliott has mastered crawling and can get around the house very quickly now.  He can also pull himself up now and can stand while holding onto something.  He has crawled up one stair but its not something we are encouraging at this point and try to keep him far from the bottom of the stairs.



His hair is getting quite long and we debate cutting it almost every day but I just can't bring myself to do it just yet.  Maybe when Murray finally goes to get his cut we will do it then.






He is a dog lover.  He gets so excited when ever he sees any kind of dog.  He even really likes it when they lick his face and knock him over.  This is Elliott and Hazard sharing a moment.


Only 8 more days till we leave for Green Bay.  We are going to visit Michael, Katie, Aisling and new baby Aiden.  Sooooo excited!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Murray

Last year Murray turned 30 and we had quite a large party with all his friends and family. This year he was... well ... just 1 year older.  We still celebrated but on a smaller scale.  Murray and Zachary went fishing together in the morning.  Then we headed out to Warburg for a weiner roast.  It was a perfect relaxed Murray type of day.

Murray and the kids playing with Murray's new rocket launcher.


Murray, his boys, and his nieces and nephews


The cake Zach and I made.


My handsome husband on his special day.

Happy Birthday Murray!

P.S Look at that hair!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Look out Trevor Linden!!!

Sadly, a friend's mother passed away recently.  This has led to a few death conversations in our house lately.  Zachary has asked where you go when you die.  Murray and I have talked with him at lengths and just when we think he understands he says...

"when you have white hair it means you are going to die, but you get to see God"

Okay not exactly. Thank goodness I plan to colour my hair for a long time!

Then the other day we are watching the hockey game (like everyone else) and there is an interview with Trevor Linden.

Murray simply says " uh oh Trevor Linden better look out he is in trouble"  

Me "why is he sick?" (thinking Murray is up on some NHL news I haven't heard yet)

Murray says "no, but he is getting white hair so that means he is going to die soon"

It was pretty funny.

Wishing you good health and rainbow coloured hair.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Zachary has been Dino Crazy for a while now and with my sister visiting over the long weekend we thought it was a great opportunity to take her and him to see the Royal Tyrrell Museum.  

We have been reading so much about dinosaurs and Zachary knows all the dinosaur names but Murray and I didn't think that when we talked about how big the dinosaurs actually were that he could comprehend their size.  A trip to the museum was exactly what he needed.

He was sooooooo excited.


Outside the museum. (this is the face I get for pictures now)


Checking out how we measure up.


Up close and personal.



Grandma Lisa also came along on the trip.



The whole crew.  Ok, I won't bore you with all of our pictures but you get the idea.  It was a lot of fun. While down in the Calgary area we were able to go to Calaway Park and meet up with a side of my family we don't often get to visit.


Zachary and his cousins taking a boat ride.

 My Auntie Cori and her two kids went down the big log ride with Murray and Zachary.  Looks like fun!


Too cute.  They don't get to see each other very often so it always amazes me how fast they bond.


And lastly my Grandpa Thompson with his 7, count them 7 great grand kids all 5 and under.  Wow!

A big thank you to my Auntie Cori for housing us all the Saturday night, even after she had just, and I mean just moved into her new house.

Happy Friday!

Just Because...

If I had more time I could fill a book with all the funny things Zachary says. Instead I will put them here until I find a better place for them.

This is a follow up to the Biggest Loser Contest that I won recently.

Devon Total Fitness approached me about being in the Devon Days Parade and handing out tatoos since I won their biggest loser contest.  I said ok.  The night before the parade I was trying to explain to Zachary why I would be in the parade and not sitting with him, Elliott and Daddy watching it with them.  Murray walks into to the room and Zachary shouts out at him...

"Dad, Mom lost her big fat belly pounds so now she gets to be in the parade!"

Murray and I had tears in our eyes we laughed so hard.  I still smile to myself when I think about it.

Happy Thursday!

Soccer Man

Let me preface this post by saying there is nothing more entertaining then watching 3 year olds try to play soccer!

Zachary has been playing soccer for a few weeks now.  At the beginning, he just ran around the field with his head down "body checking" every player on the field, including teammates!  After a couple of serious talks about not body checking he is actually starting to get the hang of it and he seems to really enjoy it. 

He frequently runs through the house with he soccer stuff on shouting "I'm a soccer man."

During breakfast his usual 'What are we doing today Mum?" is now followed by "Is it a soccer day today Mum?"


I think he looks a lot like Uncle Michael in this picture.


Don't they look like pros? 

Action shot

After scoring a goal!

Oh and he falls down a lot, intentionally and unintentionally.   We don't know why. 

 And when one person falls on the field they think its funny to all pile on top! Good times good times.

We are off to a soccer tournament this Saturday.  Should be interesting, wish us luck.

Happy Thursday!