Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Special Elliott Turns 1!

Hard to believe he went from this...


to this...


We had beautiful weather Saturday (it actually felt like a warm summer day) and it was a great day to celebrate our littlest man.

Waking up in the morning to open his present from Zachary.


of course Zachary has 'show' Elliott how to play with it.


the cakes


Hard to see but this was a wall decoartion with a picture of Elliott from every month.  Interesting to see how much he changed over the year.










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Playing with Grandma Lisa



Happy Birthday my little man.  We love you to the moon and back.

A big thanks to everyone who came out to help us celebrate.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To Cut or Not Too Cut....

This is my hair ...


after a summer of neglect its proably the longest (and blondest) it has been in a long time, maybe ever.

September is bringing a lot of change to my life.  I am heading back to work after being at home for a year.  I will turn 30. It feels like after many years of sporting the same hair style that maybe my hair should change too. 

I have a love-hate relationship with my hair.  I love my hair. When I have the time I love to style my hair. I actually think its one of my best features, however, it hardly ever looks like this.  I really wear it up in a ponytail 90% of the time. I play sports. I have two small children. A ponytail is easy. I hate always wearing a ponytail.

This is the cut I want.


I have a hair appointment booked for Friday.  Do I go for it or not?

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I have been thinking about...

Lately I have had so much floating around in my brain, so much I want to blog about, that its taking me awhile to digest it all so I haven't blogged about any of it yet.

Things on my mind...

  • Elliott turning 1

  • My 30th Birthday (which is obly a few weeks away)

  • Heading back to work after a year of maternity leave ( I start next week!)

  • a creative home decor project that I finished for the house lately

  • a big personal change that I am not quite sure how I feel about yet and might be ready to blog about soon.

I know this is just a little teaser but stay tuned I promise to blog about all these things very soon.

Happy Sunny Sunday!