Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us.  It started with a Tae kwon Do tournament and ended with a birthday party with a wedding and a hotel stay in between. By Sunday night we were all very tired.

First the Tournament.

Early Saturday morning Zachary completed in his first Tae kwon Do tournament.  He went through the Shadow Warrior obstacle course and competed in a high kick contest.  He did well through the obstacle course but being the youngest (and the smallest) at the tournament did put him at a disadvantage in the high kick contest.  In the end, he left with two certificates (one for completing the obstacle course and one for Best Etiquette) and a really big smile on his face.

Morning bow in.

Waiting his turn to go through the obstacle course. 

Under the bridge.

Through the snake pit.

a big kick to finish.

So proud of our little man.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Family Day

Because I had the week off of school last week, Family Day turned into Family WEEK around our house. I was thankful to have some much needed quality time with my three favourite men.

Last Saturday, we took the boys the Galaxyland.  Admittedly, standing in lines and being in crowds at the mall is not my idea of a good time but Zachary has been asking to go for awhile now and since we had some cheap tickets we decided to pack our patience and head to the mall.  (the things you do for your kids...)

Elliott on the carousel. This is his new camera face.  You will see this face (a common theme) through the next few pictures.

Zachary trying out the bumper cars.

Murray mimicking Elliott.

You can sure tell they are brothers when they are making the same cheesy face.

At the end of the day, braving the crowds was worth it because we had a lot of fun together.

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17th

This weather has been amazing!  Hard believe we were puddle jumping today.

Fun. Fun. Fun.

of course I had to get in on the fun too!

Happy Long Weekend!  
Hope its spent making happy family memories.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Taekwon Do

In January, Zachary started Taekwon Do on a trail bases (trail because he is 3 and they are suppose to be 5 to start).  After a month, he proved to be a good listener and very motivated so he was excepted.  At the beginning of February he tested for his first orange stripe on his belt and passed.  Last night he received his promotion.

I thought I would share a few pics this morning.

warm up jumps

Doesn't he looks so cute?  We were very proud parents.

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

18 months...

I think 18 months is my very favourite age and here is why...

  • he learns something new daily
  • he thinks everything is so funny and is easy to entertain
  • he understands simple instructions (and happily listens)
  • he sleeps 12 hours at night (YAY!!!)
  • he can say enough words to communicate what he needs 
  • he eats 95% of what I put in front of him (with no complaints)
  • he can climb up and down the stairs so we have been able to take down the baby gates
  • when he does get sad he is easily distracted
  • he is always happy to give hugs and kisses and still likes to cuddle with mom
  • he can play independently for short periods of time
If I could keep Elliott at 18 months for the rest of his life I would.  I really don't want my baby to get any older.
(Murray soooooo does not agree, he thinks Elliott is great don't get me wrong, he is just excited for him to get older).

A few recent pics of our littlest man

Happy Sunday!