Friday, March 23, 2007


Spring Break started ..oh..about two hours ago, I don't think I could be more excited!

I was looking forward to working at the greenhouse and spring cleaning over the break but with the cast it looks like my week is going to be very low key.  I plan to do a lot of reading and digital scrapbooking.

My cast could not have been more popular this week at school everyone wanted to know what happened. Of course I was ashamed to tell them, I should have made up a knife fight story or something, like my mom said falling off a chair is a bit of a grandma thing to do (no offense to the Grandma's out there).  Everyone wanted to sign it!  My cast is not white anymore it is very multi-colored and full of love.  I really love it...well except for the fact that it is starting to smell and prevents me from doing my hair among other things.


Happy Spring Break!


  1. we will bring pretty coloured sharpies on Sunday and can help with a little of that spring cleaning... not sure about the smell though...have a good full first day of s.break

  2. glad you have a colorful cast. very beautiful! spring break is always exciting...and maybe breaking your arm was God's way of saying that you need a break? enjoy a restful week.

  3. Oh noooo.. sorry about the arm.. yikes.. the cast looks lovely though all signed.. I think you took the term spring break too literally..

  4. There will always be a moment to clean and your employer knows how great you are and how much you enjoy the job. Enjoy your reading and scrapbooking. Love you.
