Monday, September 10, 2007

Back from Bamfield

The first week of school I went to Vancouver Island with our grade 12 class to Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre.  I mostly teach grades 1, 7, 8, and 9.  So the thought of going on a week long trip with 20 grades 12's that I barely knew did give me some anxiety attacks over the summer (grade 12's are very big and intimidating).  But with a little faith and hope I put on a brave face and went anyway (well I didn't really have a choice).

I am happy to report that the trip was so awesome!  Not only was the experience amazing but for me it reaffirmed  why I love teaching.  Students will challenge you, they will push you and test you, but they will also amaze you and delight you in ways you never thought possible.  I truly enjoyed getting to know our grade 12 class a little better and am so inspired by what great people they are.  Once we warmed up to each other we had a great time.

They were 5 really long days, 2 flights and 2 nauseous 6 hour bus rides and I was exhausted when I came home but we did some really cool things and it was an awesome learning experience for our students.  I have a lot of photos but I will only post the ones without students in them for privacy issues.  Enjoy!Img_6480


Tree stacks on Brady's Beach

The Alta going out to do a sea dredge.


We saw 2 black bears on the shore while we were in a boat thankfully!


Stellar and Californian Sea Lions.

Here are some more.

1 comment:

  1. We missed you and are so glad that all went well. You are an amazing teacher and your students shall remember you always. Love you.
