Thursday, May 29, 2008

So Excited!


I will find a way to make it to the theatre to see this one.  Anyone else a fan? with me?

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Devon Days!

 We had a chance to take in the festivities in and around our town this weekend.  Did not go on any rides of course but we did play a few games, won a few prizes and visited with a few friends.


Murray and Zac


Me realizing I won at the Whack-a-Mole game.



Murray the Ninja Tiger!


Zach at home with his new friends

Happy Wednesday

Monday, May 26, 2008

Random Pics

Thought I would share just some random photos from the last week or so.


Zac and I on our first bike ride together


He looks like he is having fun right?

I was trying to get some 2 Month pictures





Did I mention we love the fact that he takes a soother.


Rory and Nollie




Grier at her dance recital yesterday. 

A beautiful ballerina.

Happy Monday

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2 Months

It has been two months since Zachary came into this world and joined our family, the time has gone by very fast.  It feels like we are just coming out of the 6 week fog and it feels great.

We are...

adjusting to being new parents
enjoying watching our son grow and change
sleeping more
getting out more
thankful we have such an easy going baby (so far)

Zachary is smiling so much now and just this morning we were able to make him laugh a little.  What a wonderful 2 month present that was!

Our Little Man

Mr Smiles

Happy Sunday

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Murray's parents have a time share in Fairmont and we were lucky enough to be able to go with them for part of their week last week.  Zach was a real trooper he went golfing and hiking up to the Hoodoos with us.  Murray's parents were also able to watch Zach a little so we could have a break.  It was a wonderful weekend away in the mountains.



Murray golfing
Me golfing
Zach golfing

The Hoodoos from the bottom.


Zach and I hiking.

Sam at the top (can you see her)?
Murray and Zach
Murray's parents

The view from the top.

Happy long weekend.   

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This Mother's Day I have a whole new appreciation for all those Moms out there!  I hope you all enjoyed your day.

As for my first Mother's Day it was really busy but really nice.  We arrived home from Fairmont late Saturday night.  Then my cousin and her husband from Calgary stopped in for a visit on Sunday.  I haven't seen her since she had her daughter Danika in July last year so that was really nice.  My grandparents stopped in after church for tea. Plus my Mom, brother, and sister were also here.  We had a informal BBQ (that Murray cooked) and then I had to say good-bye to my sister as she had to leave for the airport.   

With my sister gone its just Zach and I during the day again.  I am really going to miss her, its going to be awhile before we are going to be able to get together again and that made saying good-bye even harder this time.

Despite the sad good -bye it was a really great day!

Zach and I on our first Mother's Day

The Crew

My spoiled little brother and his two big sisters.

Happy Monday

I will try to post some Fairmont pictures soon.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Just a quick post.  I am suppose to be packing for our trip to Fairmont Hot Springs.  This picture is so cute I just had to share.

Went for Zach's 6 week check up today at the midwife clinic and everything is great.  We have a very healthy baby I am happy to report.  It was also the last time my group was to meet (all the women in my prenatal class who were due to have babies around my due date).  Zach was the oldest (he came first) and the last baby of the group came only 12 days ago.  Hard to believe they had almost the same due date.  It was a great get together everyone had a chance to introduce the new members of their families and share their birth stories.

At the end of the visit we lined up all the babies on the couch to take a picture.  Here is the result.

5 boys and 3 girls.

Zach was the biggest can you see him squishing the  poor little baby to the left of him?

Interesting fact:  All the women who were having their second babies had the same sex baby as their first (and second). Both new moms had boys (myself included of course).

Happy Wednesday.
We are off to Fairmont...if I ever finish packing that is.