Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This Mother's Day I have a whole new appreciation for all those Moms out there!  I hope you all enjoyed your day.

As for my first Mother's Day it was really busy but really nice.  We arrived home from Fairmont late Saturday night.  Then my cousin and her husband from Calgary stopped in for a visit on Sunday.  I haven't seen her since she had her daughter Danika in July last year so that was really nice.  My grandparents stopped in after church for tea. Plus my Mom, brother, and sister were also here.  We had a informal BBQ (that Murray cooked) and then I had to say good-bye to my sister as she had to leave for the airport.   

With my sister gone its just Zach and I during the day again.  I am really going to miss her, its going to be awhile before we are going to be able to get together again and that made saying good-bye even harder this time.

Despite the sad good -bye it was a really great day!

Zach and I on our first Mother's Day

The Crew

My spoiled little brother and his two big sisters.

Happy Monday

I will try to post some Fairmont pictures soon.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your first mother's day! We'll have to arrange to pop by for a visit soon!!

  2. glad you had a wonderful first mother's day... the picture of you and zach is beautiful ... he is getting so big already and it has only been a week since we have seen him.... hope to come visit soon.
