Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have to apologize for my posts in the past few months.  

They have been rather dull lately, the truth is I have been rather uninspired.  I still post pictures of Zachary because most friends and family members have mentioned that that is the reason they visit my blog.  I am currently searching for some inspiration so that I can spice this blog up. But lets face it my blog reflects what is going on in my life, and right now Zachary is the largest part of my life, so naturally my blog is mostly about him.  I have thought about quitting blogging altogether but I will try to battle through this stage and hope and pray for some inspiration.

Send some positive creative energy my way.

Happy Tuesday.

A Night Out

Friday we had a night out with our very good friends K & R.  We went to the Brad Paisley concert and it was a lot of fun.  Here are a few quick pics.






A big thanks to Grandma Jeannie for watching Zachary, I know he had a great time.

Happy Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Haircut

Murray and I have been going back and forth on whether to get Zach's haircut before he turned one or not. We finally decided it was long and shaggy enough to warrant a first cut.  I was a little nervous at first but now that its cut he looks like such a little boy. Zach did really well, he sat for the whole thing. The only problem was he kept trying to see the scissors, so of course he turned his head every time she tried to cut the front.  






Happy Thursday!

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Funny Valentine

Just a short post today.

Unexpectedly, Murray is away this weekend, he has gone to the states for work.  Looks like my little man will have to be my Valentine this year, that's not so bad.  Maybe we will spend the weekend catching up with family.

Love you Murray, forever and always.

Enjoy your weekend with the ones you love.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 random things about me...

1. I am competitive to a fault, but I am getting better.

2. I have an amazing group of friends that I was really fortunate to stumble upon in college.
3. When my house is clean I feel better about everything else in my life.  
4. I get on food kicks and will eat the same thing for months at a time.  Like pomegranates, spinach salad or green apples (usually they are healthy foods).
5. I am working to complete a triathlon this summer.
6. I really love sleep, not sleeping on my own schedule has been the hardest thing about motherhood for me so far.
7. I was not a strong reader all throughout high school but I now love reading and usually finish a book a week.
8. I really love weight training and could do it all day every day.
9. I would love to call myself a runner and have tried many times but I actually do not like running long distances.
10. I think I really lucked out in the sister department, I couldn't have picked a better one.
11. I love tea and my day doesn't feel right if I don't get to start it with a cup of tea.
12. I think I will be a better toddler mommy that I am baby mommy (see #6).
13. I am amazed at my son.  I love to watch him grow, change and learn everyday.
14. I feel like I have been the oldest, youngest and middle child in my family.
15. I don't know my biological father but I have never had the need or desire to find him.
16. I have a killer sweet tooth.
17. As an adult I am not a strong swimmer so I have started swimming lessons (see # 5).
18. I PVR Young and the Restless everyday and I probably have not missed an episode in over 2 years.
19. Veronica Mars was my favorite show and I was super depressed when it was canceled.
20. I don't have a lot of patience.
21. I love to garden and I dream about having my own greenhouse one day.
22. I have played basketball for 14 years of my life.
23. I really love being an Auntie.
24. Having my son has repaired my relationship with my mom in ways I never would have thought possible.
25. My husband is my best friend and I am thankful to share this life with him.

Happy Thursday.