Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 random things about me...

1. I am competitive to a fault, but I am getting better.

2. I have an amazing group of friends that I was really fortunate to stumble upon in college.
3. When my house is clean I feel better about everything else in my life.  
4. I get on food kicks and will eat the same thing for months at a time.  Like pomegranates, spinach salad or green apples (usually they are healthy foods).
5. I am working to complete a triathlon this summer.
6. I really love sleep, not sleeping on my own schedule has been the hardest thing about motherhood for me so far.
7. I was not a strong reader all throughout high school but I now love reading and usually finish a book a week.
8. I really love weight training and could do it all day every day.
9. I would love to call myself a runner and have tried many times but I actually do not like running long distances.
10. I think I really lucked out in the sister department, I couldn't have picked a better one.
11. I love tea and my day doesn't feel right if I don't get to start it with a cup of tea.
12. I think I will be a better toddler mommy that I am baby mommy (see #6).
13. I am amazed at my son.  I love to watch him grow, change and learn everyday.
14. I feel like I have been the oldest, youngest and middle child in my family.
15. I don't know my biological father but I have never had the need or desire to find him.
16. I have a killer sweet tooth.
17. As an adult I am not a strong swimmer so I have started swimming lessons (see # 5).
18. I PVR Young and the Restless everyday and I probably have not missed an episode in over 2 years.
19. Veronica Mars was my favorite show and I was super depressed when it was canceled.
20. I don't have a lot of patience.
21. I love to garden and I dream about having my own greenhouse one day.
22. I have played basketball for 14 years of my life.
23. I really love being an Auntie.
24. Having my son has repaired my relationship with my mom in ways I never would have thought possible.
25. My husband is my best friend and I am thankful to share this life with him.

Happy Thursday.


  1. After reading this I realize more and more all the things we have in common, 3,4,10,11 & 16. I am also now obsessed with Y&R and Veronica mars Because of you. I love you and
    I am so glad we are sisters. I miss you and really can't wait to see you in April :)

  2. oh yay! I can finally post on here again!

  3. thanks for sharing the patience you do have (which is actually lots) with my four... you are a superb auntie! Thanks for being my little sis i -l ( ohhhh its like monty you are my 'sisil' LOL.
    good luck with the sleep thing.... it seems to go in cycles no matter how old they are!
    oh and I have a pile of books for you!
    love ya
    your big sisil
