Sunday, May 3, 2009

13 Months


Zachary just started 'stepping' right around his first birthday and in less than 3 weeks he has gone from stepping to walking to running.  At 13 months he is a proficient walker and not much slows him down.

Words he is saying: Hat (ha), wow, ooooh, horse, up, down, eyes, woof, mama, dada, banana (nana) 

Things he is signing: Hot (blows), all done, more, please, duck, bird, fish, puppy, kitty, yes and no.

He is our little copycat and will basically mimic any action or sound we make.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Zachary Michael! Is so special to us. It is a joy to see and share his love each time we see him!

  2. You make a cute kid Murray & Jess.

  3. awe he is getting so big!! I am super excited to see him in a month. a bit nervous knowing he likes to get into things and he is running. but can't wait 1 more month!!! love you
