Thursday, June 3, 2010

Baby Update

I have had a few requests now for a baby here it is.

Baby and I at 30 weeks.

At this stage our baby is approximately 3 pounds and growing every day.  All is well.


At the 28 week mark Zachary and I went to see my midwife for a check up.  At every appointment we get to hear the baby's heartbeat and we also listen to Zachary's baby (a.k.a his heartbeat). 

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Ca 2010may_2078
 Ca 2010may_2081

Listening to mommy's baby's heartbeat.

Ca 2010may_2088
Listening to Zachary's baby's heartbeat.  

I think he is going to be disappointed in a few weeks when he realizes he does not actually have a baby in his tummy.

A big thank you to my sister in law and doula Michelle for coming along and taking the photos.

Happy Thursday!


  1. You look lovely Jess! That couch looks much more comfortable than the tables I had to lay on at the Dr office.

  2. So cute! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. Do you have a picture of you at 30 weeks with Zach? I am guessing this one is a girl- you just look different (from what I remember). Zach is going to be a little more surprise that the baby came out of Mommys tummy- he will forget about the one in his!

  3. awe you look so great! I love how Zach thinks he has a baby too. I have you say you seem to carry different as well, a little lower. Maybe it is a girl :) love you can't wait to see you soon!
