Thursday, January 27, 2011

Elliott @ 5 Months

Why am I posting at 3:30 in the afternoon?  Because both boys are sleeping and have been for the last TWO HOURS!!!  Yeah me.  I finished the laundry, cleaned the bathrooms and can't vacuum for fear of disturbing this blissful peace so I am spending some well deserved time with my laptop.

Elliott is approaching 19 lbs and is 28 inches long.


My baby is now 5 months and I am so addicted.  

I absolutely cannot get enough of this baby. I want to kiss him all over, I don't ever want to put him down (unless my arms get to tired and I must), and I'm continually trying to breathe in all of his sweet baby goodness.

Maybe it's the abundance of chubby rolls, maybe it's his easygoing nature, maybe it's the smiling and cooing, maybe it's the fact that he is now consistently sleeping 7-8 hours at night, or maybe it's just because having done this once before, I am more relaxed this time around. Whatever it is, I am enjoying this baby so ridiculously much. 

During one of my blog stalking ventures I came across this quote by Jennifer Woodbury it made me laugh so I thought I would share it with you.

"Fat and Happy

It must be quite the life.

Being able to wear something called a bubble and look adorable in it. Getting complimented on the chubbiness of your thighs. Having people fall all over themselves just to make you smile. Mesmerizing a crowd by simply gurgling. Eating on demand and sleeping away the day. Being stopped on the street just to be told how good looking you are." 


Trying to sit up on his own, its more of an upright tummy press.


Look at that face!!

Happy Thursday!



  1. Awww....he's absolutely adorable!

  2. Our sweet baby Elliott! Yes, to be a baby that is what we should all strive to be like and have no worries and we should be blissful like them too and love everybody. Love you all.

  3. He is defintely getting more and more adorable every day! He will be a heartbreaker for sure.. miss you guys!
