Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Elliott @ 11 Months

Busy busy busy... the only word I can think of to describe Elliott right now.  He is on the move and into EVERYTHING!  Pulling vents off, opening cupboards and taking everything out, climbing stairs, and chewing shoes.  The moment he sees something he is not suppost to get into (like the toilet) he crawls as fast as he can right for it.  We play a new game now 'Move it, Close it, or Pick it up before Elliott gets it' Zachary thinks its quite fun (most of the time). 

He has stretched out a lot and at 31 inches he is taller now then Zachary was at 18 months.  He mimicks all kinds of sounds and is 'talking' a lot.

uh ahh = uh oh (whenever something drops on the floor)

um mmm = thank you

bub ba = Zachary or bottle

ma ma

da da

He is signing quite a bit too

water (when he wants a drink), all done, more, milk, bath, elephant 

He has 7 teeth right now and I think he is working on number 8.

The 11 month photo shoot did not go well.  He is WAY too busy to sit still for pictures anymore but here are a few (and these are the best of the 150 I took).


Don't let this face fool you... he is trouble.

yes we finally decided to cut his hair a few weeks ago





I told you Mom I dont want to sit for a picture!!!


First haircut.



Exploring the dinosaurs on our Jurassic Walk.


My water baby.  Loves anything to do with water.  The bath, the kiddie pool, or even the cold water at the splash park.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, the 20th went by fast and Elliott is 11 months old. Such a little man! Love him so much.
