Friday, April 8, 2011

Have Dinosaurs... Will Travel.

Since Zachary's birthday he has been dinosaur CRAZY!  During the day he plays with his dinosaurs, then wants to play Digging for Dinos on the Sesame Street website, and at night only wants us to read him the Children's Dinosaur Encyclopedia we gave him for his birthday (to his credit he sits and listens the entire half hour Murray or I read to him).  Its great, our whole family is learning a lot about dinosaurs, however, I can't even tell you how many times in a day I hear "Will you play Dinosaurs with me Mom?"  And I do sometimes but not often enough to satisfy Zachary.  Over the break most of Zachary's neighbour friends were home from school so I set up a few morning playdates for Zachary to go over to their houses to play dinosaurs.  He was so cute carefully selecting which dinosaurs to bring over and packing them up into his backpack.  Elliott and I would walk him and his backpack loaded with dinosaurs over to the neighbours to play.



Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Dinosaurs are so much fun. Grandpa can hardly wait to play with Zach! Murray was just as crazy about them. Wish I had pics of that! Great pics of the puddles. Just like his Dad. Watch for peeing in the puddle too!!! Love ya.
