Friday, March 28, 2008

Pink or Blue?



Zachary Michael came into this world March 25, 2008 at 1:42pm with the help of his daddy and Auntie Michelle.  He was 7lbs 7ozs and 19 3/4 inches long.

So far things are going really well for our little family here at home.  We have had a lot of visitors and are too proud to show off our precious gift from God.

Thanks to everyone who has helped us out the last couple of days especially Grandma Jeannie, Grandpa Terry and Auntie Michelle.

Zachary and his proud parents!


Zachary and his cousin Lincoln

I will try to post more pictures soon.

Happy...what day is it today?  Oh...happy Saturday

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Waiting Game

The room is ready, the meals are made, the supplies are purchased, and the baby is now officially over 37 weeks and fully developed.  It seems there is not much else to do except...wait.

We are excitedly and anxiously passing time until our baby picks its birthday. 

The really exciting thing about this time right now is Murray and I seem to be in a bit of a baby trance.  We are eating, sleeping and thinking baby 24/7.  Best of all I think Murray is also feeling a nesting urge so our house has never been cleaner!

I promise to keep you posted and will leave you with some picks of the baby's room.  I was going to wait until our recliner/rocking chair came in but the baby may get here before it does so.



Enjoy your Saturday.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sister Time!

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to have my sister come out for a short visit.  She planned her visit well because while she was out we were able to celebrate my brother's 18th birthday, go to a card making class, and attend a baby shower my aunt and cousin put on for me on Sunday.  It was a quick but great visit.

I did get to see my sister at the very beginning of my pregnancy but having her here to share it with near the end really made it feel like my pregnancy was complete.  I think she is really excited to be a auntie!  Besides that she is the best cleaner/organizer I know!  She helped me set up the baby's room and she even clean out my kitchen cupboards!  Murray offered her a full time nanny position this summer but I think her fiance would miss her too much.

Sisters are the best!  At least I know that mine is.  Love you Sam.

Can't wait until she comes out again at the end of April.


Have a Good Friday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The last few days I have been having some crazy anxiety.  I think I have figured out what the  problem is.

At 36 weeks pregnant I am tired, swollen and just plain ready to be done work. 

The problem is I really love my job! I love my kids.  I enjoy being at school.  Being a teacher has been such a big part of my identity for so long that when I think about starting my maternity leave I start to feel really anxious about the change.  I already know how to be a teacher and I really like that job.  Being a Mom is going to be new and challenging in different ways and I know I will love it too its just the unknown that has me worried.

I only have 2 and a half weeks left of work and I couldn't tell you if that makes me happy or sad. As the days pass by, the closer I get to starting my maternity leave, which means the end of work, but that also means I am getting closer I get to having our baby.  So these days I am just feeling conflicted.

Monday, March 3, 2008

For Vicki

Sorry.  I intended on adding pictures of the quilt to my last post but got distracted I guess. 

Here they are (and a sneak peak of the baby's room).


Sunday, March 2, 2008


Finally February is over.  Who wants another day in February?  Maybe all those leap year babies out there but not me!  The month of March always means that spring is close, very close and I can't wait.

I had a great weekend.  Thanks to my friend Rae-lynn, who organized a great scrapbooking retreat, I was able to get away and scrapbook all weekend.  It feels so good to be caught up on most of my scrapbooking projects.

Another project that I have been wanting to do before the baby comes is sew a quilt for the baby. Last Tuesday  Murray's Mom and Grandma came over for the day to help me do just that.  I was so thankful to have their help it really made everything go a lot smoother and faster.  Truth be told I am not much of a sewer and I really have no idea what I am doing but I always love the finished projects. 

Thank you so much Jeanette and Grandma Mary for all your help, now I have a quilt to give our baby that was truly made with love.

Have a good week!