Friday, March 28, 2008

Pink or Blue?



Zachary Michael came into this world March 25, 2008 at 1:42pm with the help of his daddy and Auntie Michelle.  He was 7lbs 7ozs and 19 3/4 inches long.

So far things are going really well for our little family here at home.  We have had a lot of visitors and are too proud to show off our precious gift from God.

Thanks to everyone who has helped us out the last couple of days especially Grandma Jeannie, Grandpa Terry and Auntie Michelle.

Zachary and his proud parents!


Zachary and his cousin Lincoln

I will try to post more pictures soon.

Happy...what day is it today?  Oh...happy Saturday


  1. Ohhhh Jess.. Congratulationis.. He is gorgeous..You and Murry couldnt look happier and more in love with him.. So wonderful.. wish you didnt live so far away I would so love to come take pictures of you guys.. Enjoy every moment. You do good work mama..Much love to you all...

  2. We love you so much. What a beautiful family! Our first baby boy Buchan!

  3. Congrats again Jessica! He's perfect! I know how things are crazy with a little one, so when I think things may have slowed down a bit, I'll give you a call and maybe we can pop over to see you Zackary! We're itching to see him! If you guys need anything, please feel free to let us know!!!

  4. love you guys....all three.....your birth was amazing and link and i were blessed to be there.... we are coming to see Zackary Michael again today...

  5. Congratulations...I couldn't wait to see a picture of your little man...he is absolutely beautiful!! Enjoy this special time!
