Friday, November 19, 2010

Elliott @ 3 Months

3 months WOW!

The biggest news is he SLEEPS! I didn't want to get too excited at first, knowing that sometimes newborns sleep long stretches and then they don't, but for the last few weeks or so Elliott has been sleeping "through the night" almost consistently.  Yeah!

Elliott is a finger sucker or maybe I should say fist sucker. He won't take a soother but will self-sooth by sucking his fists.  He even has a little bit of irritated skin by his thumbs because he sucks them so much.


Yes, he was sleeping when I set up this picture, but I wanted to get it done while I had a chance.


But he did wake up (happy no less).

16 lbs 4 ozs.  26 1/2inches long.

Happy Friday!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Life with an almost 3 year old is never dull.

Early this morning around 1:30am Zachary walks into our room and is standing on my side of the bed. This is how the conversation goes.

Z: Mommy did you see it?

me (waking up very sleepy): Did I see what?

Z: it

Me: what?

Z: IT!

Z (now frustrated with me that I don't know what he is talking about): Mommy did you see IT?

Me: Zachary I don't know what you are talking about.  You have to be more specific.  What is 'it'?

Z: IT!

Me (giving up on this conversation): Please go back to bed Zachary.

Murray chuckles in bed beside me liking that Zachary picked my side of the bed and not his.

Never a dull moment.

Happy Friday!

P.S I still don't know what 'it' was ( and neither does Zachary I think).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Few Pics

Here are a few pics from the last two weeks.


Our Family Halloween Picture.


The weather has been nice lately so we have been able to use our new (to us) double stroller.  Zachary loves it because he gets to sit beside Elliott.  I have to monitor how much love he gives he little brother to make sure he doesn't smother him.  


Elliott sitting in the Bumbo!  I love this picture!


After reading the book BOO! by Robert Munch Zachary has been obsessed with painting his face scary. This is Zachary's scary face, he painted it completely by himself.


Elliott's 'cool' outfit.

Happy (wait, what day is it?!?)...Wednesday! I think...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pooping for Zurg!

Most of you are asking what is a Zurg?!?

You know the bad guy from the original Toy Story movie, yeah him.  Zachary is in love with Toy Story characters right now (even though he says the movies are too scary for him to watch).  He has a Buzz and a Woody doll but has been obsessed about getting a 'Zurg' for Buzz and Woody to fight.  We told him he could buy a Zurg if he poops on the potty. Yes, we are desperate that we resorted to bribery.

Then we made this chart

Every time Zach poops in the potty he gets to put a sticker on his chart to work towards getting a Zurg.  You can see he has chosen two other characters as well.  He aslo gets an immediate reward,a package of fun fruit treats, we call them "Potty Treats".

Well this system works so well that he started pooping on the potty daily sometimes twice a day.  3 days in and I was scrambling to find a Zurg because how disappointing would it be if he actually had enough stickers and we didn't have one to give him?  The problem was Zurg was only in the first two movies and everything Toy Story right now is the third movie.  The only Zurg I found was a small action figure (we are talking very small).  But Zachary loves him and even better he earned him.  By day 6 Zachary was close to earning a slinky dog(which I also didn't have).  So I called our neighbour and her son graciously gave up his slinky dog and Bullseye for Zachary to have (he has moved onto Lego).  So now Zachary has Slinky Dog too on his way to getting a Bullseye.

Moral:  Don't promise toys you don't actually have to give because bribery may work and you will be scrambling to find them!

Its been 11 days now and Zachary has only had 2 pee accidents and every poop has gone it the potty. Yeah us!  Murray says I should patient the chart but really its just a piece of paper with stickers.  Who knew?


Zurg to scale next to the other Toy Story characters 


Buzz himself playing with all his characters.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Elliott @ 2 Months

Okay I know Elliott is a bigger baby.  Being 10lbs when he was born means he was 30% larger than most other babies but he has never felt big to me because he's MY baby.  Today I had him weighed at the hospital and well he's 14lbs and 12ozs and 25 inches long!!  He's a big baby!!! 

That said he is also one of the happiest and easiest babies.  Nothing really bothers him and if he is fussy usually there is something wrong and its pretty easy to fix.  Even this week being sick he has not been too bad I must say!  Hard to believe 2 months have gone by already.  Before he was born it was difficult to imagine how our family would be with another member no its difficult to imagine how we ever got along without him.  He is truly a big beautiful blessing.


Elliott at 2 months


Sleeping a baby


holding his head up!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sick, sicker, and sickest.

Over the last few weeks it seemed like everywhere we went someone was battling some kind of illness. It was almost inevitable that our family would get sick as well.  It started with Murray (who had to miss two half days of work) then Zachary (with a trip to emerg) and now it seems its mine and Elliott's turn. Even though so far mine and Elliott's sickness doesn't seem to be as bad as Murray and Zachary (yeah breast milk)!  

The worst part about the whole thing so far is having to cancel all of our activities.  Getting out a little everyday is what keeps Zachary (and I) happy.  Right now we are feeling a little couped up, trying not to infect anyone else but we are starting to get on each others nerves a bit. Digging deep and praying for patience with a whinny toddler.

Hope this finds you and your family healthy.

Happy Thursday!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Tis the season to think about the blessings in ones life...

 IMG_0746 IMG_0744


I have so much to be thankful for but most of all I think I am thankful for a healthy happy family.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving (a few days late).

P.S Don't you love how Elliott's expressions change slightly as well...ha ha ha it makes me laugh.

Friday, October 1, 2010

All Smiles

Elliott at 6 weeks.




Had to share some pictures of our beautiful baby boy.

Happy Friday!  

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Light the Night Walk

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who sponsored me for the Light the Night Walk, with your help Brianne and her team was able to raise almost 4000.00 dollars.  Thank you.

This weekend we drove down to Calgary to visit with my cousin and her family and also participated in the Light the Night Walk.  The weather could not have been better!  Saturday was a lovely day for a walk and Calgary's downtown was beautiful because of all the fall foliage. 


Brianne and I before the walk.

The kids burning off some energy at the park before the walk.  Danika had her first dance class earlier in the day and did not want to take off her 'dancerina' outfit for the walk.  Too cute! 


the start line

 us walking...



Elliott during the walk



 downtown Calgary 

So thankful to be able to support my cousin and her courageous fight against cancer.  Thank you again for all your support.

Happy Sunday!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Elliott at 1 Month

To celebrate Elliott's 1 month, Zachary and I took him to the hospital to have him weighed.  He weighed in at 12 lbs 8 ozs and 23 inches long.  He is in mostly 3 month clothes but also in some 6 month stuff.  He is a very healthy, happy, and content baby.

Elliott at 1 month.


Dare to compare...

Zachary at 1 month


My Boys


We are starting to get into a routine here at home and we have more good days than bad so I am thankful for that.

Happy  Monday!  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

After 3 Weeks...

Zachary is watching a little more TV during the day.

Murray and I are getting a lot less sleep at night.

but there is so much more love in our home.

Week 1

The first week after Elliott's arrival was blissful.  Murray took the week off of work allowing him to spend a lot of time with Zachary, Elliott and I. We had visitors to share our joy with but not so many that we felt overwhelmed.  The first week was wonderful and went by so fast.

So Week 1 = Heaven.


Murray and Zachary running through the sprinkler.


Week 2

Murray went back to work.  I enlisted the help of different friends and relatives for every day of the week just because I was a little nervous to go it alone with two kids.  I know this may seem like no big deal to some of the pro-moms out there but I am still adjusting to life with two. The days seem a little longer and nights are longer still.  I am relieved every day when Murray comes home from work. However, I am still very thankful for a wonderful baby.

Week 2 = Adjusting 

My Mom and Zachary decorating the bird house they made together.


Shopping at Old Navy...can you see Zachary?

A big thank you to everyone who came to help us out. 

Week 3

Its been just me and the two boys this week, no extra help.  We have been for a walk a couple of times and have gotten out of the house a little each day.  We even braved Ikea!  This week has gone well so far.

Week 3 = Embracing the challenge


Elliott at the Chuck wagon races. 

Elliott Update:

Elliott is proving himself to be a very content baby.  He loves to eat and by day 5 he was back up to his birth weight.  We had him weighed on Monday and he was 11 lbs 11ozs so he is doing great.  He is a wonderful sleeper.  It amazes me that he can sleep through all of Zachary's noise but he does.  Elliott has longer period during the day where he is awake now and has even started smiling for me a little. Zachary has adjusted so well.  He really loves his little brother and constantly wants to hold him and give him kisses.



Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Worth Waiting For...

Its A Boy!

On August 20th, at 2:16 in the morning, Elliott Hamilton Buchan joined our family.  Weighing in at 10 lbs and 21.5 inches long, he is a big beautiful addition to our family.

Elliott B291 

Here is his story.

The last few weeks of my pregnancy have been plagued by on again off again contractions, so when I started to have contractions Thursday morning I wasn't about to get too excited about them.  By about 11:00 I had had a shower and they were still continuing so I thought maybe this is it.  Murray came home from work around lunch time and we went for a walk around the neighbourhood to see if we could keep things going.  Well Thursday was the day it was very smoky outside from all the forest fires in BC.  There was a health warning out about air conditions so Murray and I were the only people crazy enough to be out for a stroll that day.  Labour progressed, so I called my Douala Michelle to come, and almost as soon as she arrived everything stopped.  No contractions...nothing.  I was devastated.  Michelle left and Murray, Zachary and I headed to Leduc for my acupuncture appointment.  As we were driving my contractions started again.  So while I am in my acupuncture appointment for induction I am having to tell the acupuncturist to stop during contractions.  I know he thought I was crazy but I was determined and really didn't want labour to stop this time. Driving home the contractions were getting intense so I called Michelle again, Murray's Mom and my Mom asking them to meet me at the house.  Full labour started at about 11:00 pm just as the midwives arrived.  Elliott was born at home at 2:16 am Friday morning. Just seconds after Elliott was born Jeanette woke up Zachary and brought him into the room and he got to meet his brother.  It was a truly amazing experience, one I will never forget.

This birth was so different from Zachary's birth and I am not just talking about the fact that it was a home birth but just how it all unfolded, how I felt, the timing of everything.  You think that once you have given birth than thats it you have experienced it and you know what to expect.  But the truth is every birth is so different and every baby writes its own story.  Kind of nice when you think about it that way.  Its hard to deny the power and presence of God after experiencing the miracle of birth. 

As I type this I am so thankful for all the gifts in my life including the beautiful healthy newborn baby beside me.

 Happy Wednesday!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still waiting...

A few days ago, early in the morning Zachary wakes up and makes his way into our room.  He looks sleepy but obviously has something on his mind...

Me: What's up my man?

Z: When is the baby coming Mommy?

Me: Soon Zach soon.

Z: When soon?

Me:  Just soon my man just soon.


Thats me trying to induce labour by mowing the lawn at 39 weeks pregnant.  Murray thought this scene was so funny that he just had to get a picture.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Waiting Game...

Last Wednesday I hit the 37 week mark in my pregnancy which means the baby is considered to be full grown and could come at any time.  Zachary came at 37 weeks and four days so naturally I was hoping this baby would come early too.  No such luck.  Tomorrow is 38 weeks and although I have had lots of early labour signs it seems as though the baby is pretty happy right where it is.  So we wait...

In the mean time, we continue to check things off our to-do list and plan activities everyday to help the time pass more quickly.  


Lillies picked from my garden.

Zachary playing hopscotch.  Yes, he is wearing a scarf and mitts and yes it was like 22 degrees Celsius outside.  He must have his Grandma Jeanie's thermostat.

Making 'birth' cake, or a cake that we have in the freezer to take out once the baby is born to celebrate its birth.  Icing the cake with Grandma may be a project for Zachary while I am in labour.

Happy Tuesday! 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Light the Night Walk

This is a different kind of post for me, but something very dear to my heart.  Please take the time to read it.

As some of you may know my cousin Brianne was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in November.  Brianne is only 29 years old and a mother to two small children, Danika 3 and Bryce 1 (who was only 6 months old at the time of her diagnoses).

As you can imagine cancer changed her life dramatically over night. In November, she had emergency surgery to remove a large mass that was crushing her airways.  After the initial surgery, she was transferred to ICU to start chemo treatment.  She spent most of December in the hospital separated from her kids (I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for her).  Just before Christmas the she was told her tumour had shrunk considerably- so she was able to be home for the holidays while they decided what to do next. 

In February, Brianne had a seizure and needed to go back into the hospital for a bit.  They decided to do a stem cell transplant and found out the Brianne's brother Ryan was a 10/10 match for her.  On March 5th, Brianne went back to the Cancer Center after being given her new stem cells and waited for positive results.  After 17 days, things looked positive and she was released from the Cancer Centre but still had to return twice a week for check ups.

To cope financially with their new situation Brianne's family had to sell their house and move into a smaller more affordable condo.  With Brianne still being very sick, her husband and family were responsible for helping them move.  Brianne has had to close her day home, a job she loved more than anything and has been forced to rely on her husband and immediate family for care of herself and her children while she battles this disease. 

Today, Brianne is considered to be in remission.  She still goes for regular doctors appointments but is gaining more and more strength everyday.  She is fighting hard to regain her independence which was lost to Leukemia.  She is so happy when she is able to do even the smallest chore like lift Danika into her chair or change Bryce's diaper herself (which she hasn't been able to do).

The Light the Night Walk is a fundraising event to help raise money to help doctors understand blood cancers more.  Ironically enough it is an event Brianne has been a part of for a few years now since Brett's cousin was diagnosed with Leukemia.  This year the event is even more near and dear to her and her family and friend's hearts given the fight Brianne herself has gone through this past year.

This September, my family and I will be going down to Calgary to walk with Brianne and to show our support.  I have joined Brianne's team and ask for your help to reach my fundraising goal.

You can visit my site here:

Thank you for your help.

May this post find you and your loved ones healthly and happy.

Happy Monday!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Swimmin' Lessons

It was a long (cold) two weeks but we made it... today is the last day of swimming lessons.  Don't get me wrong we have had a lot of fun and Zach has gained a lot of confidence in the water which was the main goal but at 9 months pregnant it has been quite the choir getting to and from the pool every day.  

Today we are happy to celebrate the last day.


Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


We were driving around Edmonton last night and were about 3 minutes away from our destination when this happened...

 Zachary: "I pooping Daddy!"

Murray: "squeeze your cheeks Zach we are almost there"

Murray and I turn around to see Zachary doing this...

We temporarily forgot how literal two year olds can be.  Too Funny!

Happy Thursday!