Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sick, sicker, and sickest.

Over the last few weeks it seemed like everywhere we went someone was battling some kind of illness. It was almost inevitable that our family would get sick as well.  It started with Murray (who had to miss two half days of work) then Zachary (with a trip to emerg) and now it seems its mine and Elliott's turn. Even though so far mine and Elliott's sickness doesn't seem to be as bad as Murray and Zachary (yeah breast milk)!  

The worst part about the whole thing so far is having to cancel all of our activities.  Getting out a little everyday is what keeps Zachary (and I) happy.  Right now we are feeling a little couped up, trying not to infect anyone else but we are starting to get on each others nerves a bit. Digging deep and praying for patience with a whinny toddler.

Hope this finds you and your family healthy.

Happy Thursday!


1 comment:

  1. As Terry says"In ten days we will be better." Yes, patience and hot soup with lots of love usually does the trick. Hang in there, soon it will be over. Love you.
