Sunday, October 16, 2011

my tupperware cupboard is...

a) the most used cupboard in my house

b) a complete disaster most days

c) a source of frustration for my husband

d) an endless source of entertainment for my boys

e) all of the above

and the answer is...




Who needs sand when you can bury yourself in plastic?


E laying on the floor trying to be just like Z.

Happy Sunday!

P.S So much to blog about will be posting soon!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Double Airplane!

Just a regular evening at our house...


Happy Tuesday!

Birthdays 1 to 100

Over the past few weeks I have been priviledged enough to have been to a 1st birthday (my son's) and a 100th birthday (my best friend's great grandmother).  Both were fun celebrations for two very special people.  As the days pass I can't help but laugh at how very similar the parties actually were and here is why...

- both guests of honour were very excited on their special day although you could tell they were a little unsure about who was there and what the big fuss was about.

- both recieved gifts and cards.  Gifts they didn't really need although they were excited to have and cards they couldn't read themselves.

- the cake was the big attraction.  Everyone came for the party but really just wanted to see their loved one blow out the candles on their cake.

- at the end of the day they both were very very tired. 

Happy Birthday to two very special people.


Mary Krezanoski (doesn't she look amazing for 100?!? not a day over 75 for sure)

Happy Monday!

P.S Nervous and excited to meet my little Kindies tomorrow!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sorry for taking so long to post this but life has gotten a lot more busy around here.

A last minute phone call from my Mom the morning of my hair appointment convinced me that maybe I wasn't quite ready to chop ALL my hair off.  So I went more Jennifer Aniston and less Jennifer Nettles.

...with bangs. I am a week into my new hair do and I LOVE the cut but am hating bangs.

Not as short as I was originally planning but my hair dresser did say she took of almost 5 inches!!!

Happy Sunday!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Special Elliott Turns 1!

Hard to believe he went from this...


to this...


We had beautiful weather Saturday (it actually felt like a warm summer day) and it was a great day to celebrate our littlest man.

Waking up in the morning to open his present from Zachary.


of course Zachary has 'show' Elliott how to play with it.


the cakes


Hard to see but this was a wall decoartion with a picture of Elliott from every month.  Interesting to see how much he changed over the year.










IMG_3444 IMG_3461

Playing with Grandma Lisa



Happy Birthday my little man.  We love you to the moon and back.

A big thanks to everyone who came out to help us celebrate.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To Cut or Not Too Cut....

This is my hair ...


after a summer of neglect its proably the longest (and blondest) it has been in a long time, maybe ever.

September is bringing a lot of change to my life.  I am heading back to work after being at home for a year.  I will turn 30. It feels like after many years of sporting the same hair style that maybe my hair should change too. 

I have a love-hate relationship with my hair.  I love my hair. When I have the time I love to style my hair. I actually think its one of my best features, however, it hardly ever looks like this.  I really wear it up in a ponytail 90% of the time. I play sports. I have two small children. A ponytail is easy. I hate always wearing a ponytail.

This is the cut I want.


I have a hair appointment booked for Friday.  Do I go for it or not?

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I have been thinking about...

Lately I have had so much floating around in my brain, so much I want to blog about, that its taking me awhile to digest it all so I haven't blogged about any of it yet.

Things on my mind...

  • Elliott turning 1

  • My 30th Birthday (which is obly a few weeks away)

  • Heading back to work after a year of maternity leave ( I start next week!)

  • a creative home decor project that I finished for the house lately

  • a big personal change that I am not quite sure how I feel about yet and might be ready to blog about soon.

I know this is just a little teaser but stay tuned I promise to blog about all these things very soon.

Happy Sunny Sunday!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Elliott @ 11 Months

Busy busy busy... the only word I can think of to describe Elliott right now.  He is on the move and into EVERYTHING!  Pulling vents off, opening cupboards and taking everything out, climbing stairs, and chewing shoes.  The moment he sees something he is not suppost to get into (like the toilet) he crawls as fast as he can right for it.  We play a new game now 'Move it, Close it, or Pick it up before Elliott gets it' Zachary thinks its quite fun (most of the time). 

He has stretched out a lot and at 31 inches he is taller now then Zachary was at 18 months.  He mimicks all kinds of sounds and is 'talking' a lot.

uh ahh = uh oh (whenever something drops on the floor)

um mmm = thank you

bub ba = Zachary or bottle

ma ma

da da

He is signing quite a bit too

water (when he wants a drink), all done, more, milk, bath, elephant 

He has 7 teeth right now and I think he is working on number 8.

The 11 month photo shoot did not go well.  He is WAY too busy to sit still for pictures anymore but here are a few (and these are the best of the 150 I took).


Don't let this face fool you... he is trouble.

yes we finally decided to cut his hair a few weeks ago





I told you Mom I dont want to sit for a picture!!!


First haircut.



Exploring the dinosaurs on our Jurassic Walk.


My water baby.  Loves anything to do with water.  The bath, the kiddie pool, or even the cold water at the splash park.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bike Riding

This past week Zachary has learned to ride a bike.  No kidding it has been that fast.  He rode once before we left for Green Bay and then twice since and by the fourth try he made it all the way to the park and back.  Just yesterday he rode all the way to the corner store and back (which is quite a long way).

Murray and I are so proud of our little man.


His head is tilted because he also likes to sing his own made up songs while he rides and bobs his head from side to side.  i wish I had a video camera for moments like that.  It was very sweet.



Happy Friday!

A Break from the Rain

Finally some sunshine.  

Went out into my garden to find this...




Apparently my Nasturtiums and Sweet Peas are loving all of the rainy weather we have been getting lately.

A nice surprize.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Elliott @ 10 Months

At 10 months Elliott is really developing his own personality.  He is happy and easy going most of the time as long as he gets his sleep.  Without his timely naps he can get quite fussy.  He is a big sleeper.

He is still around 22lbs and 30 inches long.  He has really leveled out over the past few months.  He is using baby sign language more and more and will sign 'all done' and 'more' regularly now.  He has started to nod his head 'yes' now too which is very cute.  You can ask him if he wants something, like water, and he will nod 'yes'. He hasn't learned to shake his head 'no' yet which is just fine for right now.


Oh ya, and he is still a big thumb sucker, especially when he is tired.


Zachary is a constant source of entertainment for him and he always wants to do everything Zachary is doing or be where he is.  The thing they like doing the best together is splashing in the bathtub.


Elliott has mastered crawling and can get around the house very quickly now.  He can also pull himself up now and can stand while holding onto something.  He has crawled up one stair but its not something we are encouraging at this point and try to keep him far from the bottom of the stairs.



His hair is getting quite long and we debate cutting it almost every day but I just can't bring myself to do it just yet.  Maybe when Murray finally goes to get his cut we will do it then.






He is a dog lover.  He gets so excited when ever he sees any kind of dog.  He even really likes it when they lick his face and knock him over.  This is Elliott and Hazard sharing a moment.


Only 8 more days till we leave for Green Bay.  We are going to visit Michael, Katie, Aisling and new baby Aiden.  Sooooo excited!

Happy Tuesday!