Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pooping for Zurg!

Most of you are asking what is a Zurg?!?

You know the bad guy from the original Toy Story movie, yeah him.  Zachary is in love with Toy Story characters right now (even though he says the movies are too scary for him to watch).  He has a Buzz and a Woody doll but has been obsessed about getting a 'Zurg' for Buzz and Woody to fight.  We told him he could buy a Zurg if he poops on the potty. Yes, we are desperate that we resorted to bribery.

Then we made this chart

Every time Zach poops in the potty he gets to put a sticker on his chart to work towards getting a Zurg.  You can see he has chosen two other characters as well.  He aslo gets an immediate reward,a package of fun fruit treats, we call them "Potty Treats".

Well this system works so well that he started pooping on the potty daily sometimes twice a day.  3 days in and I was scrambling to find a Zurg because how disappointing would it be if he actually had enough stickers and we didn't have one to give him?  The problem was Zurg was only in the first two movies and everything Toy Story right now is the third movie.  The only Zurg I found was a small action figure (we are talking very small).  But Zachary loves him and even better he earned him.  By day 6 Zachary was close to earning a slinky dog(which I also didn't have).  So I called our neighbour and her son graciously gave up his slinky dog and Bullseye for Zachary to have (he has moved onto Lego).  So now Zachary has Slinky Dog too on his way to getting a Bullseye.

Moral:  Don't promise toys you don't actually have to give because bribery may work and you will be scrambling to find them!

Its been 11 days now and Zachary has only had 2 pee accidents and every poop has gone it the potty. Yeah us!  Murray says I should patient the chart but really its just a piece of paper with stickers.  Who knew?


Zurg to scale next to the other Toy Story characters 


Buzz himself playing with all his characters.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Very cute! Whatever works so you don't have to clean poopy pants is a good idea.

  2. It does work! Where did you get the outfit? Cute!

  3. We did that with Danika, but did map from Dora. When she got a sticker on all the "steps" to the end of map, she got to go to the store and get a movie! We learned fast that you need to have many steps! She was peeing and pooping as many times as she could! Bribery is a great tool! But yeah, make sure you have the reward!
    Yay for Zach!
