Sunday, March 2, 2008


Finally February is over.  Who wants another day in February?  Maybe all those leap year babies out there but not me!  The month of March always means that spring is close, very close and I can't wait.

I had a great weekend.  Thanks to my friend Rae-lynn, who organized a great scrapbooking retreat, I was able to get away and scrapbook all weekend.  It feels so good to be caught up on most of my scrapbooking projects.

Another project that I have been wanting to do before the baby comes is sew a quilt for the baby. Last Tuesday  Murray's Mom and Grandma came over for the day to help me do just that.  I was so thankful to have their help it really made everything go a lot smoother and faster.  Truth be told I am not much of a sewer and I really have no idea what I am doing but I always love the finished projects. 

Thank you so much Jeanette and Grandma Mary for all your help, now I have a quilt to give our baby that was truly made with love.

Have a good week!


  1. Post pictures of the quilt!

  2. Can't wait to see it! I bet it's beautiful! I just got a new sewing machine for my bday, so 2 quilts are the first items on my list of projects!

  3. I loved working on the quilt and so did Grandma. It looks lovely and you so can sew! Love you.
