Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have to apologize for my posts in the past few months.  

They have been rather dull lately, the truth is I have been rather uninspired.  I still post pictures of Zachary because most friends and family members have mentioned that that is the reason they visit my blog.  I am currently searching for some inspiration so that I can spice this blog up. But lets face it my blog reflects what is going on in my life, and right now Zachary is the largest part of my life, so naturally my blog is mostly about him.  I have thought about quitting blogging altogether but I will try to battle through this stage and hope and pray for some inspiration.

Send some positive creative energy my way.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. ditto for me too, I saw a link on the top of the typepad page with prompts for blog entry ideas... looking there soon myself.....
    happy mid week tomorrow

  2. I love your blog, I don't think it needs anything! I check it everyday! I love that you do this, don't ever stop! love you

  3. I battle with this sometimes too. Sometimes it helps to visit other blogs for inspiration and I try to keep an ongoing list of ideas that I can fall back on when I'm in a dry spell. But pictures are always perfect :)) I don't think you ever have to worry about posting too many pics of your guy(s). Hope you can get through this and still keep blogging. Some day you will be so happy that you have this record of this time. Take care!!
