Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Are you a resolution kind of person?

I never really have been.  Don't get me wrong I am a goal-setter through and through.  I have just never been the type of person who attaches a meaningless date to an intention that I have.

For example "I am going to stop smoking September 1st (three months from now)"  Thats a famous one my Mom always uses and I laugh and say why don't you quit tomorrow, why wait?

Why wait?  Thats me.  If I think of something I want to do or set a goal for myself I never wait I usually start to plan on then go for it.  In that sense, resolutions have never really been that big of a deal for me because I am usually already working towards some goal by the time Jan 1 comes along.

What do I have my sights on lately...

Personal Intentions

  • Get Fit. I want to get back into triathlons this summer.  I am in ok shape but I am going to have to get into better shape if I am going to compete this summer.  Step one is to get back into the pool. 
  • Scrapbooking. Finish some scrapbook albums I have been working on.  Mainly Elliott's first year.  Which means I am going to have to plan some scrapbooking retreats because I never find the time to scrapbook otherwise.
  • Blog.  My new working mom status as mean I have had to let go of a few things.  Blogging seems to be one of them (my last post was October 16).  As I write this post however, I am reminded of how much I like to blog.  I especially like to look back at old posts and see where I have been.
Spiritual Intentions
  • Give back.  I am always in awe of the people in my life who are constantly helping others.  Most days after taking care of work  things, the boys needs and house stuff I never seem to have the time or energy to look around and find ways to help others.  I am going to try to give myself a little more breathing space so I can give back.
  • Church.  I don't feel I need church to be close to God but I do feel like bringing my boys to church helps me teach them about God.  It sets the tone for our Sundays and helps us start meaningful conversations with our children that may not have occured otherwise.
House/Practical Stuff
  • Make a will.  Don't judge me.  I know its important, we just haven't found the time but we will.
  • Financial Planning.  Murray and I have the same goal in mind but it would be best if we had a plan in black and white.
Oh and be the best Mom, Wife and Teacher that I can be but thats an every day all day intention.  Nothing new.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely new blog! I look forward to more frequent posts, maybe it will motivate me to do the same. That will thing...its on our list too. We really must get it done.
