Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm Back...

Well after a week of not having the internet I was starting to get the shakes.  But I am happy to report that the move went very well and we are totally in our new house.  Thank you to all of you who helped make it a smooth transition.

T and J who worked tirelessly to prep and clean and get us started with the painting.

Melony and Darcy for helping us move a load from the old to the new house early on Saturday morning.

Mom who gave up her long weekend to work like a dog and help us paint, we really couldn't have gotten it all done without you. Your expertise really came in handy.  Thank you.

Mitch and Kevin who slaved away painting the closets for an afternoon, I know that was a big job.

M and G for coming and helping organize the kitchen and paint a closet.  Your help was great.

Thank you again to all.

Have a good day.


  1. glad you are settled in. looking forward to seeing your new home soon.

  2. your welcome....glad you are enjoying the new digs and we'll see you soon.

  3. Have a super time on your trip. Rest, relax and enjoy. Come back refreshed and blessed. love you. Hug your man for me.
