Monday, August 28, 2006

It's Official...

The summer is over as I had my first day back at school today (kids come on Wednesday).  The beginning of the school year always gives me happy excited feelings for a new start but I am also feeling kind of sad because my summer of freedom is over.  No more get up and do whatever I feel like for the day, I actually have to get myself into a routine again.

Anybody have something inspiring for the start of the new school year that they would like to share?  I would be happy to hear from you.


  1. Deep Roots -
    When I die, she said, I'm coming back as a tree with deep roots & I'll wave my leaves at the children every morning on their way to school & whisper tree songs at night in their dreams.
    Trees with deep roots know about the things that children need.

  2. Boy I wish I did.. I am always sad when school starts it means 2 of my kids are gone all day.. So I dont think I am much help.. They Love school though.. This year I am concerned as my oldest is starting 5th grade with an ilestomy bag due to his burst appendix and complications and he is worried other kids will find out and tease him or it will leak etc.. so I am worried (sort of ) because he is stressed about it, But I am sure with the support of great teachers ( like yourself ) and good friends for him it will be fine. So hmmm.. Just enjoy all the really amazing kids that you will have no matter what their issues.. they are all pretty amazing and how cool you get to know so many cool kids... Good Luck
