Saturday, January 27, 2007

Now What?

After I completed my permanent certificate observation, I was talking to my Aunt on the phone and after I told her the good news she congratulated me and then calmly responded 'now what?'  Those two simple words have been ringing in my soul ever since.

Those two words summed up what I have been feeling for the last couple of months.

Those who know me know I am a bit of a planner.  When finishing high school I set out a few goals I wanted to accomplish for myself; finish University, get a Education Degree, marry Murray, get a teaching job, buy a house.  Getting my permanent certificate was at the end of this list, now that I have checked that off I keep saying to myself 'now what?'

I am proud for having accomplished the things I set out to do.  I am also very happy for where I am in my life right now; great husband, good job, nice house.  But I am also a little scared because for the first time in my life I don't really have a strong desire to follow.  I know I want to set a few more goals, there is more I could and should do.  I just really haven't decided what it is I want to do the most.  So maybe I am meant to spend 2007 assessing me, listening to my heart and figuring out what it is I would really like to do next.

Thanks for listening.


  1. Congratulations on attaining your goals. It always feel good to know that you have accomplished so much. Take time to enjoy where you are in life right now, and your new list of 'things to accomplish' will fall into place!

  2. its fantastic you reached your goals.. thats so awesome there are some people who never meet any of theirs.. You will find what you want to do next.. it will make itself very apparent

  3. Yes, follow your heart, continue to love what you do and do what you love. You and your husband shall have many more goals in the future. Love you.
