Monday, October 22, 2007

16 Weeks

This post is for my sister who has been dying to see my 'baby belly'.    Our baby is about 4 1/2 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces (approximately the size of an avocado).   As Murray would say, so far this pregnancy has been 'boring,'  no sickness, no wild cravings, no mood swings (more extreme than regular ones of course).  I told him we still have a long ways to go.

This me at 16 weeks (thanks to Jeanette who took the picture).


A picture of what our 16 week old baby may look like.
Taken from 'Your Pregnancy Week by Week'

Happy Monday


  1. Two beautiful babes! Love you

  2. Tell Murray not to speak too soon- Brett thought the same and then things did happen- the mood swings etc get worse as you get bigger.
    Isn't it exciting to read what the baby is compared to each week? It is amazing that you hear rice, avacodo, orange, grapefruit- and then up to a watermelon- why do they associate that with food??? Hope all is well- I have been trying to call- but with selling the house things have been crazy- keep those pictures coming!

  3. awww.... look at you .. looking good.. yeah..

  4. very beautiful..whats that i think i see you growing a bigger bum... haha.. well you look great.. thank you for posting the picture..i can actually tell that you are pregnant now :) love you

  5. oh and i think your picture hanging is a little off center

  6. My bum is NOT bigger! You brat and My pictures are straight...its the way Jeanette took the picture. I am not too pregnant to come there and give you a good ass kicking!

  7. such a cute little bump...looks good on you!

  8. looking great jess......we'll have to take a belly picture together before this baby is out...
