Monday, October 1, 2007

Love That Lasts

This Friday my Grandparents celebrated 50 years of marriage.   A pretty amazing accomplishment!  They celebrated the occasion by inviting some close friends and family out for brunch on Sunday.  It was nice to see everyone and catch up.
50 years!  I think about how much Murray and I have changed in only 3 years of marriage and then think about how much two people would grow and change together over 50 years and it so amazing that their love has lasted.
Watching them Sunday, you can tell they are still very much in love and it was so refreshing, the kind of thing that renews your faith in God and love.


Happy 50th Anniversary Papa and Gramma, may you have many more happy years together.

Tell someone that you love them today.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 50th Paul and Denise. Your love has grown and been passed on and shall last forever. With blessings, Jeanette. Jessica, you shall cherish your grandparents love for a long time. Love you
