Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1st

There are a few reasons why I love December 1st.

1. It means November has come and gone and so has hunting season.  Which means I can look forward to spending weekends with my husband again. (Although I was fortunate to get him to come to Jasper with me this year).
2. It is the official kick off day to the holiday season (for me).  I put up the tree, play Christmas carols the whole nine yards.
3.  Usually its the day I aim to have my Christmas cards out and my shopping complete and I am really close this year.  I just like to get that stuff out of the way so I can enjoy all the other fun things in December.

Oh and another great thing this year...we have a new nephew who came November 30th.

Lincoln Jase Porter
9lbs 13oz
21" long


Happy December 1st to all!


  1. December 1st is the same to me! I look forward to it all year because I just love Christmas. Congrats on being an auntie again...we went to see him Friday and he's just such a little peanut. Can you believe that next Chrismtas you'll have a little one of your own? Happy December 1st to you Jessica...have fun with all your Decorating.

  2. He is a cutie.. what a great shot
