Monday, December 17, 2007


Can't really describe my mood these days except maybe...grumpy.  No real reason I can think of really just grumpy...hormones maybe...who knows.  I should be in a better mood.  School is finishing up, its almost Christmas my favorite time of year, and Micheal and Katie fly in tomorrow.  But I am grumpy.  But instead of focusing on that I will share some other things.

Baby Update:  Last week was the first time Murray was able to feel the baby move.  I really enjoyed Murray's excitement over this.  Since then the baby has been kicking lots, my midwife keeps saying it is a 'very active baby'  I can't decide if that is a good or bad thing.

A funny picture of Felix on Murray's lap taken a few days ago.  I don't know why but he loves to sit like this.  Crazy cat!


Happy Monday!


  1. I've been feeling grumpy too! The weather? The hormones? Who knows! I hope you feel better soon!!!

  2. Me too.. for me its the weather .. but for you I am sure alot of it is hormones.. dont worry it will pass quickly

  3. im grumpy cause i miss you :(

  4. You still look lovely even if you are grumpy sometimes. love you.
