Friday, June 10, 2011

Look out Trevor Linden!!!

Sadly, a friend's mother passed away recently.  This has led to a few death conversations in our house lately.  Zachary has asked where you go when you die.  Murray and I have talked with him at lengths and just when we think he understands he says...

"when you have white hair it means you are going to die, but you get to see God"

Okay not exactly. Thank goodness I plan to colour my hair for a long time!

Then the other day we are watching the hockey game (like everyone else) and there is an interview with Trevor Linden.

Murray simply says " uh oh Trevor Linden better look out he is in trouble"  

Me "why is he sick?" (thinking Murray is up on some NHL news I haven't heard yet)

Murray says "no, but he is getting white hair so that means he is going to die soon"

It was pretty funny.

Wishing you good health and rainbow coloured hair.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! can hardly wait for some hugs!
