Monday, December 18, 2006

A Busy Weekend

We had the kids (our niece and nephew) over for a sleepover Saturday and Sunday night.  We had a wonderful time, we were very busy (we are not used to that kind of busy).  Murray and Terry worked on the flooring in the basement (thanks for all your help Terry and Jeanette for helping around the house).  A musical evening a the church, thank you for the invitation Granma and Papa.  Oh and Happy Belated Birthday to my brother-in-law Jason.  You know we love you!  Here are a few pictures to sum up our weekend.

Such a cute face!


The men hard at work


I love this picture, what angels!

Only one more sleep until my sister and her boyfriend come for Christmas...I am so excited!
Happy Monday.


  1. Great pictures Jess! What a great Auntie and Uncle! Have a super restful week. Love you.

  2. Great shots.. looks like you were very busy.. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and enjoy it all..

  3. jess..we are so grateful for the time you spend with our three...for them and for us....i feel recharged and ready to be calm and patient and ready to enjoy this Christmas season. The time they spend with you and Murray enriches their lives and we are very thankful for both of you. 6 more sleeps.
    love m

  4. wow - your basement looks great - good work!
