Sunday, December 10, 2006

Light Monday Humor

I was dropping by a few of the blogs I frequent and came across this on Lowell and Julie's blog.

From Reader's Digest

Some famous Christmas carols, as heard by kids:

"On the first day of Christmas, my tulip gave to me..."
"He's making a list, chicken and rice..."
"Noel, Noel, Barney's the king of Israel..."
"In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend that he is sparse and brown..."
"Oh, what fun it is to ride with one horse, soap and hey..."

Then I realized that I don't really know the words to one of the carols

'In the meadow we can build a snowman,'...Then what?

Please leave a comment if you can help me out.

Put up the Christmas lights yesterday.  What was suppose to be a quick job took us all day.  We were outside 7 hours and made frequent trips to the hardware store. 

Lesson Learned:  Do not by cheap lights from Walmart, when only half of the string will light up you will spend hours trying to fix it, get fed up, and end up buying different lights at the Hardware store.

Oh well, we had a lot of fun and got lots of fresh air. Here is a picture of Murray PRETENDING he is falling off the ladder while putting up the lights.


Happy Monday Everyone!

'In the meadow we can build a snowman,... that is going to bug me all day


  1. Yeah the whole putting up the lights thing.. never works out quite like you hope.. lots more work involved than one would think but the end result is awesome... and look how pretty your house is.. wow..

  2. In the meadow we can build a snowman, then pretend that he is PARSON BROWN, he'll say, "are ya married?" we'll say, "no man, but you can do the job when you're in town"...
    I still think they're weird lyrics though:)

  3. Thanks for the help Julie. It has left me thinking...who is Parson Brown? Check out this site for some interesting theories.

  4. my favorite is grier's for silent night
    /\...."round yon virgin tender and wild" for that one on our Christmas card. Got our three strings of lights up too ...need more they look pretty piddly on our house

  5. what a great photo! hopefully he didn't fall afterwards.
