Friday, December 1, 2006

A Sad Day...

Well not really sad but...

Murray and I decided it was time to take down the wedding photos.  After Rory's Baptism Sandra took some really great family pics of Murray's side of the family.  Unfortunately, to make room for the new pics we had to take down some of the older pics (like our wedding photos).  Although we framed our very favorite one and still have that one up.  I guess it just means that we are no longer newly weds.  Hence the sad day.  On the bright side the new photos do look good on the wall.  Thanks Sandra!


Here is our favorite wedding photo (another Sandra pic)

Img_3648 Not sure if you can see this all that well but I love this pic it is just so us.

Have a good weekend.


  1. OH.. that wedding shot is awesome.. I love the composition and the two of you stuck out in that amazing field so cool..and I love the way your wall makes a natural frame around the framed image.. stunning. the other pictures are cool as well looks like fun.Great frames..
