Monday, November 27, 2006

Something funny...

The joys of living in a small town...when it is stupid cold outside you can wear your snow pants to the grocery store and no one cares!  (Like I did yesterday).

Enjoy your day.


  1. Thats how its like here.. we have one grocery store and a "Superwal-mart" and you can go to walmart dressed in your supidest outfit and are sure to find many of your neighbors dressed equally as stupid.. teehee.. LOVE IT

  2. just what winter in a small town is all about...heading out in kamaks [giant boots that can make the daintiest feet look enormous] a toque, big mitts and no mascara 'cause it freezes and then melts all over your face when you return to the warmth....winter in alberta...i wonder if stacey and clinton have tips for being stylish in -30degrees C
