Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Be careful what you wish for...

you just might get it.

I have been thinking lately, my life has been so regular lately with nothing interesting to blog about.  that all changed yesterday.

I was doing a quick tidy of the basement and had to stand on a chair to reach something , as I was reaching up, the chair slipped from underneath me and I fell.  I was home alone of course because Murray was at work so I laid on the floor for a few minutes talking to myself.  'just breath...you're okay...I don't think anything is broken...just breath...don't cry...if you pass out no one will find you until at least 5:00 so you have to get up"  (I am so rational with myself).  Picturing this scene in my head is funny now that I think about it.   So I got up and thought, "my wrist is really sore but I will be fine".  Then I headed off for only my second day at the greenhouse.  As the afternoon went on my wrist got more and more sore and swollen, but I was determined to tough it out until the end of the day.  I was really worried that my new employers would think I was flaky if I asked to go home early so I stuck it out.  Luckily my neighbour is a nurse and when I got home she told me it looked more serious then a sprain so I should go to the hospital.  Murray drove me to the hosipal when he got home and sure enough I have a fractured scaphoid bone in my left wrist and now have a cast for the next 4 weeks!   
4 WEEKS!  I am feeling a little sorry for myself because I am not quite sure how this will affect my greenhouse job or my teaching job (I teach P.E remember)...but like Murray said it could have been worse.  I could have landed on my head instead of my wrist.  He has always been a 'the glass is half full' kind of guy and I am so thankful for that.

The moral of the story... be careful the next time you are wishing for something to blog about, you just might get it.

Sorry about the photographs but I am doing everything one handed these days and it is very tricky.Img_4441

Murray wanted to be the first one to sign my cast.

I couldn't even get it in a neat color!  I think that is what I am most upset about.

Have a good tuesday.


  1. I'm really sorry Jessica...I have had many a broken wrists (actually even broke both my wrists at the same time). It takes some time to adjust, but within a week or so, doing everything one handed will be second nature. That said, if you need help with anything, let me know.

  2. Wow, would have been nice if they could have given you a cast with like an Edmonton Oiers logo or maybe skulls on it. White is so blase these days.
    Hopefully it heals quickly.

  3. You forgot to mention the chair had wheels...

  4. You have a beautiful hand even if it does have a cast on it. By the time 4 weeks is over your cast will be a multitude of super colors and no longer white. Keep those colored markers on hand for your fans. Love you.

  5. I just fractured the same bone and boy does it suck,the doctor said it takes a while to fully heal although it's weird my cast covers part of my thumb as well,not fair!
