Saturday, September 9, 2006

Self Discovery

Well I have discovered something new about myself today. 

Without an oven-timer I am an extremely bad cook!  Those who know me, I think, would agree that generally I am a good cook.  The stove at our new house has some weird timer that I have not been able to figure out and since we have moved here I have burned, wrecked, and ruined more things that I have tried to cook than ever before.  Note to self: make it a priority to get a timer before husband divorces or starves (just joking).  Heading off to a friends wedding tonight hopefully I will get some pictures to post.

Have a good day.


  1. fun cheap timers at ikea...the challenge is only to buy $2 timers not all the other fun challenge anyway...have a great weekend

  2. You are a fantastic cook. Burnt things can be good for you as you do not usually eat them and probably should not anyway. A timer is a fantastic idea. My stove(s) did not have a timer when we were first married either. Love you.

  3. Use the timer on your microwave!

  4. I am a horrible cool timer or not. haha Hope you had fun at the wedding

  5. i'd be lost without the timer on my stove - i feel for you!!
